
Friday, May 16, 2014

Peace Be Unto Thy Soul

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."
D&C 121:7-8

I love being a missionary. It is great to be out serving God and those around me by sharing the gospel with all who will hear--I don't think I would want to be anywhere else right now. That being said, sometimes life as a missionary is hard. A full day of plans fall through, you're tired, and sometimes people aren't as kind as you'd like them to be. And you really kinda just want to curl up in a corner and not have to talk to people.
This is somewhat how I was feeling yesterday. It seemed like everything that could have fallen through did fall through, and my companion and I were exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically. Near the end of the day, we had an answer to our prayers and we met a young man who set up an appointment with us to come and talk to him! It was a tender mercy that I really needed.
This morning during my personal study I was reading through the story of Joseph Smith and the experience he had as he was called as a prophet to restore Christ's church. As I was reading, I thought of my experience and of his experience. The one that came to my mind specifically was when he was in Liberty Jail going through a LOT of persecution. At this time he cried out to God, saying "O God, where art thou? ... (D&C 121:1)." Our loving Heavenly Father reached out to him and comforted him with the words "My son, peace be unto thy soul..."
I know that I haven't gone through the trials that Joseph Smith had, but I still have times when I feel like crying out, pleading for God's help. And because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I know that we are never alone. God will never forsake us, and he will bring peace to our souls if we just ask.
What brings you peace?

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